My Compositions

"Melodia dorica" by Margherita Busti: it is a short composition of 29th December 2021.

"Melodia No. 1" was composed on January 30, 2022, with a didactic purpose. It is an easy piece, in C major. 

6th WGKF GOJU-RYU Championship jingle composed in August, 2022.

"Marcia funebre Mahleriana" was written on December 6, 2021: you will hear the famous theme "Fra 'Martino campanaro", the first time in a dark D minor and the second time, softly, in F major.

"Studio n. 1" was composed on 17th June 2021 and registered on 5th July 2022.

"Prelude No. 2", finished in August 2023. It is in a 2/2 tempo, I performed it at about 66/minima. I ask forgiveness for the piano, not perfect from the point of view of intonation, but it suffered the heat too! Good day everyone!! 

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